There's something nostalgic about the fall, the dimming light, the closing door, the end in sight, but it's also an opening, at least for Jews at the high holidays, into a new year, a new focus, a renewal of strength and energy. But what a contradiction, opening and closing at the same time— Good G-d, make up your mind!
And that would be a god I—wavering on this point—no longer believe in. We had a long discussion about this very thing yesterday at Rabbi Singer's: the pull between knowing god and not knowing, not finding, not solving; using the word to know, find, solve, vs. getting stuck in the word, which is so wholly inadequate and misleading. You must love! You must love! said God to Hosea, said Rabbi Singer to his tribe, meaning you must love all of humanity, the message we tucked away in our pockets and then, counting the minutes, the seconds until the end of the fast, praying for the services to be over finally, we walked outside and ate.
Comparatives and Superlatives
Comparatives and Superlatives
on the east coast is certainly lovely...
Fall on the east coast with your
kids is certainly even lovelier...
Fall on the east coast with your kids
being as crazy as they were when they lived
with you is certainly the loveliest of all, the most fun, the most
satisfactory, to see them being so goofy, to being their true blue
Lovely light!
Lovely texting!
True black and blue
Skateboarding in Providence, R.I. at India Point Park on Narragansett Bay.
(Click on pics to see as slideshow.)